Our Practice can carry out its commitment to provide the highest quality medical
care to you, the patient, only when a mutual understanding of expectations
exists between you and the Practice. Our requirement for maintaining your
account in good standing is:
- Copayments are expected to be paid at the time
of service.
- Depending on your insurance coverage, you are
responsible for the timely resolution of your
account balance. If your claims are delayed and you
receive notification, please contact your insurance
company to expedite processing.
- If your insurance coverage requires referrals,
please confirm with your Primary Care Physician
(PCP) that one has been issued to the specialist.
- For billing inquiries, please call 847-698-7050.
- If you miss your appointment without notifying
us 24 hours in advance, a $20.00 fee will be billed
to you.
In order to serve you in the best possible manner, we take many insurance
When making an appointment, please have your insurance information close at hand
to assist in verifying current contracts.
The list below can change with and with out notice. Please call our office
to make sure your insurance provider is accepted. |